How Chiropractic Can Help Infertility
How Chiropractic Can Help Infertility

Do you know someone who struggles with infertility? Or maybe you yourself are dealing with fertility issues? Having trouble conceiving can be no doubt one of the most gut-wrenching pains any human can experience. As there can be many causes to infertility, what our office focuses on is the role of the nervous system.
One worthy note on Chiropractic care is that it will always benefit the body and always give the body a better chance of functioning better, even if you don’t “feel it.”
From the day we are born our body encounters stress. Stress can be physical, chemical, mental/emotional, and spiritual. These stresses create disconnects within the body, resulting in malfunction. These stresses against the body can cause spinal bones to rotate out of place, pinching nerves, causing organ malfunction, disrupting hormone production, causing depression, and/or trouble sleeping, among millions of other effects, such as infertility.
Our Chiropractors specifically and scientifically locate misaligned spinal bones. They then specifically and scientifically adjust these spinal bones to remove nerve pressure. This then allows the nervous system to function drastically better.
It is important to regularly receive Chiropractic adjustments because your body will always be under stress. Each adjustment helps to counteract those stresses and remove interferences. They are like building blocks…building blocks to better health and vitality!
Although nutrition, high stress levels, and lifestyle habits can be a factor in causing fertility issues, the nervous system function is the #1 most important essential to health. Our Chiropractor(s) do not treat infertility, but rather they treat spinal misalignments. We want to be sensitive to everyone’s circumstance and would never claim to cure infertility. However, what we do know is that a woman or a man’s body will function better under Chiropractic care.
For example, do you know how your body can be affected if the spinal bone C1 (the Atlas) is misaligned? That’s like putting a kink in the water hose right at the faucet. So not only can nerve pressure at C1 cause malfunction to the pituitary gland, disrupting hormone production, but even the reproductive organs may be affected because of how the body works. It is vital to have your nervous system examined for any interferences.
If you or someone you know suffers with fertility issues, we strongly urge them to get examined by one of our Chiropractors. Please speak to the front desk staff to schedule an appointment.
These statements have not been evaluated by the FDA and are not intended to treat, diagnose or prevent disease.
9:00am - 11:00am
3:00pm - 6:00pm
5:30pm - 6:30pm
9:00am - 11:00am
3:00pm - 6:00pm
9:00am - 11:00am
3:00pm - 6:00pm
By Appointment Only
New Life Chiropractic
2051 Reed Road
Fort Wayne, IN 46815
(260) 471-5433